
Year: 2012
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M GeethaRani 2012 Ethonobotany of Pachamalai Hills Ethnobotany.pdf
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. BalaRavi 2012 Documentation and monitoring of agro-biodiversity and indigenous knowledge on-farm – Experiences from India On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change
M.S. Swaminathan 2012 This I believe: Agricultural Science and Genetics fgene-03-00282.pdf frontiers in GENETICS
Year: 2011
Author Year Title Publication Journal
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. BalaRavi 2011 Making on-farm conservation a self-sustainable practice: An Indian perspective On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change
M.S. Swaminathan 2011 Youth for Agricultural Transformation Youth For Agricultural Transformation - Dr. M. S. Swaminathan.pdf
Nancy J. Anabel 2011 Capacity building interventions: Drawing lessons from the field Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations
Nancy J. Anabel; S. Senthilkumaran 2011 Village Resource and Knowledge Centres as hubs for disaster preparedness Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations
B. USHA; N.S. KEERAN; M. Harikrishnan; K. KAVITHA; A. PARIDA 2011 Characterization of a type 3 metallothionein isolated from Porteresia coarctata 69.pdf BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM
Nancy J. Anabel 2011 Livelihood avenues: Reducing economic vulnerabilities Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations
Nancy J. Anabel; Senthil Kumar 2011 Village Resource Centres: The spokes of the information village Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations
