
Year: 2013
Author Year Title Publication Journal
B. Sthapit; H. Lamers; R. Rao 2013 Custodian Farmers of Agricultural Biodiversity : Selected Profiles from South and South East Asia Custodian farmers Biodiversity.pdf Proceedings of the workshop of Custodian Farmers of Agricultural Biodiversity, 11-12 February 2013
G. Meldrum; S. Sthapit; W. Rojas; E.D.I. OliverKing 2013 Agricultural biodiversity enhances capacity to adapt to climate change Agriculture Biodiversity enhances capacity to adapt to climate change.pdf New Agriculturist
S. Padulosi; S. ; BalaRavi; W. Rojas; R. Valdivia; M. Jager; V. Polar; E. Gotor; M. Bhag 2013 Experiences and lessons learned in the framework of a global un effort in support of neglected and underutilized species Acta Horticulturae
R. Kathiravan; S. Jegan; V. Ganga; V.R. Prabavathy; L. Tushar; Ch. Sasikala; Ch.V. Ramana 2013 Ciceribacter lividus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of chick pea ( Cicerarietinum L.) Internation_journal_of_systematic_and_environmental_Microbiology.pdf International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. BalaRavi; S. Padulosi 2013 Creating an economic stake for conserving the diversity of small millets in the Kolli Hills, India”. Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources
Smita Mishra; Saujanendra Swain; Susanta Sekhar Chaudhury; Ajay Kumar Parida 2013 Medicinal Plants Used by Traditional Healthcare Practitioners of Dominant Tribes of Koraput in Odisha Asian Agri-History
Ravi Mahalakshmi; Palanisami Eganathan; Parida Ajay 2013 Changes in Secondary Metabolite Production in Jatropha curcas Calluses Treated with NaCl Analytical Chemistry Letters
Year: 2012
Author Year Title Publication Journal
P. Eganathan; J. Saranya; P. Sujanapal; Ajay Parida 2012 Essential Oil Composition of Leaves of Syzygium makul Gaertn Analytical Chemistry Letters
H. M. Sankararamasubramanian; V. Selvam; Ajay Parida 2012 Biotechnological Tools for the Conservation and Enhancement of Coastal Ecosystem Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.
R. Rengalakshmi; P. Thamizoli 2012 Sustainable homestead gardens and resilience: Case study of Milandhoo island of Shaviyani atoll, The Maldives home garden maldieves paper 16 March 2012.pdf The Maldives
