
Year: 2014
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Prasun Kumar Das; R.V. Bhavani; M.S. Swaminathan 2014 A Farming System Model to Leverage Agriculture for Nutritional Outcomes FSN_Paper.pdf National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
S. Nagarajan; R.V. Bhavani; M.S. Swaminathan 2014 Operationalizing the concept of farming system for nutrition through the promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture Operationalizing the concept.pdf Current Science
Year: 2013
Author Year Title Publication Journal
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. BalaRavi; S. Padulosi 2013 Creating an economic stake for conserving the diversity of small millets in the Kolli Hills, India”. Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources
V.V. Krishna; A.G. Drucker; U. Pascual; P.T. Raghu; E.D.I. OliverKing 2013 Estimating compensation payments for on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity in developing countries Ecological Economics
S.P. BalaRavi 2013 Farmers’ rights, their scope and legal protection in India Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources
L. Vedavalli; D. Suvitha 2013 Role of Helpline Services in the Lives of Fishermen: Case Studies from Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Role of Helpline.pdf
A. DAS; V. KESARI; MADURAI SATYANARAYANA; A. PARIDA; S. MITRA; L. RANGAN 2013 Genetic diversity in ecotypes of the scarce wild medicinal crop Zingiber moran revealed by ISSR and AFLP marker analysis and chromosome number assessment Plant Biosystems
D. Suvitha; L. Vedavalli 2013 Improving Livelihoods of Fishermen- Case Studies from Andhra Pradesh and Union Territory of Puducherry Improving Livelihoods of Fishermen- Case Studies from Andhra Pradesh and Union Territory of Puducherry.pdf
N. Deepika; P. Eganathan; P. Sujanapal; Ajay Parida 2013 Chemical Composition of Syzygium benthamianum (Wt. ex Duthie) Gamble Essential oil - An endemic and Vulnerable Tree Species Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants
Smita Mishra; Saujanendra Swain; Susanta Sekhar Chaudhury; Ajay Kumar Parida 2013 Medicinal Plants Used by Traditional Healthcare Practitioners of Dominant Tribes of Koraput in Odisha Asian Agri-History
