
Year: 2007
Author Year Title Publication Journal
S .Bala.Ravi; Ajay Parida 2007 Recognition and reward to the tribal and farming communities for conservation of agro-biodiversity* 45.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
P Balaji; GN Hariharan 2007 In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Parmotrema praesorediosum Thallus Extracts 54-59.pdf Research Journal of Botany
Vinod M. . S; Prashanth Raghavan; Suja George; Ajay Parida 2007 Identification of a sex-specific SCAR marker in dioecious Pandanus fascicularis L. (Pandanaceae). Genome
Year: 2006
Author Year Title Publication Journal
P Balaji; P Bharath; Satyan RS; GN Hariharan 2006 In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Roccella Montegnei Thallus Extracts Prithiviraj-Pub2.pdf Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants
M N. Jithesh; S R. Prashanth; K R. SIVAPRAKASH; Ajay Parida 2006 Monitoring expression profiles of antioxidant genes to salinity, iron, oxidative, light and hyperosmotic stresses in the highly salt tolerant grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. by mRNA analysis Plant_Cell_Reports_2006.pdf Plant Cell Rep
M. N. JITHESH; S. R. Prashanth; K .R. SIVAPRAKASH; AJAY K. PARIDA 2006 Antioxidative Response Mechanisms in Halophytes : Their Role in Stress Defence Journal of Genetics
M.S. Swaminathan 2006 Towards biosecurity in agriculture Towards_biosecurity_in_agriculture.doc The Hindu
Year: 2005
Author Year Title Publication Journal
P Senthilkumar; M N. Jithesh; M Parani; S Rajalakshmi 2005 Salt stress effects on the accumulation of vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit c transcripts in wild rice, Porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka ajay5.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
A T. Natarajan; P C. Kesavan 2005 Cytogenetics for dosimetry in cases of radiation accidents and assessing the safety of irradiated food material Cytogenetics.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Preeti A. Mehta; K. Sivaprakash; M. Parani; Gayatri Venkataraman; AJAY K. PARIDA 2005 Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from the salt-tolerant mangrove species Avicennia marina (Forsk) Vierh. Theor. Appl. Genet
