
Year: 2007
Author Year Title Publication Journal
R RENGALAKSHMI; R SENTHILKUMAR; T SELVARASU; P THAMIZOLI 2007 Reclamation and status of tsunami damaged soil in Nagappattinam District, Tamil Nadu Reclamination_and_status_of_tsunami.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
S .Bala.Ravi; Ajay Parida 2007 Recognition and reward to the tribal and farming communities for conservation of agro-biodiversity* 45.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
S. BalaRavi; A.K. Parida 2007 Recognition and reward to the tribal and farming communities for conservation of agro-biodiversity Recognition.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Vinod M. . S; Prashanth Raghavan; Suja George; Ajay Parida 2007 Identification of a sex-specific SCAR marker in dioecious Pandanus fascicularis L. (Pandanaceae). Genome
2007 Changing Equations: the Impact of SHGs on Gender Relations 508-changing equations-impact of SHG.pdf the Impact of SHGs on Gender Relations
Swaminathan M.S 2007 Food heroes food_heroes.pdf WORLD CONSERVATION
S. R. Prashanth; V. Sadhasivam; Ajay Parida 2007 Over expression of cytosolic copper/zinc superoxide dismutase from a mangrove plant Avicennia marina in indica Rice var Pusa Basmati-1 confers abiotic stress tolerance Transgenic Research
L. Vedavalli 2007 Transforming Lives with ICTs Vignettes from Villages in Thiruvaiyaru, Tamil Nadu MUPP-Case-Study1.pdf
M. S.Swamina Foundation 2007 Seventeenth Annual Report AR2006-2007.pdf
M.F Olwig; M.K Sorensen; M.S Rasmussen; F. Danielsen; V. Selvam; L.B Hansen; L .Nyborg; K.B Vestergaard; F .Parish; V.M Karunagarn 2007 Using remote Sensing to assess the protective role of Coastal woody vegetation against Tsunami waves Remote Sensing.pdf International Journal of Remote Sensing
