
Found 976 results
Ramasubramanian R., Nagarajan R., Punitha S..  2022.  Participatory Conservation and Management of the Godavari mangrove wetlands, Andhra Pradesh, India. Transforming Coastal Zone for Sustainable Food and Income Security. :621-632.
AnilKumar N., Sivan V.V, Vipindas P..  2022.  Promoting Local Health Traditions and Local Food Baskets: A Case Study from a Biocultural Hotspot of India. Biodiversity-HealthSustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS). 7:177-198.
Yong M-TYong, Solis CAngela, Amatoury S, Gothandapani S, Raja R, Mak M, Gayatri V, Shabala L, Zhou M, Ghannoum O et al..  2022.  Proto Kranz-like leaf traits and cellular ionic regulation are associated with salinity tolerance in a halophytic wild rice. Yong et al. Stress Biology. :19.
Shaw D.K., Jegan S., Prabavathy V.R..  2022.  Recent insights into oceanic dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis and catabolism. Environmental Microbiology. :32.
Vijay V., Adlak K., Payyanad S., Sreedharan V., Girigan G., vanderVoort T.S, Malarvizhi P., Yi S., Gebert J., Aravind P.V.  2022.  Review of Large-Scale Biochar Field-Trials for Soil Amendment and the Observed Influences on Crop Yield Variations. Frontiers in Energy Research.
THAMIZOLI P, RENGALAKSHMI R.  2022.  Sea level change and the livelihood security of coastal communities in Tamil Nadu, Peninsular India. Handbook on Climate Change and Disasters. :432-452.
Pratheepa C.M., Raj R, Shreya S.  2022.  The socio-ecological contradictions of land degradation and coastal agriculture in south India. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. :21.
"MS Swaminathan Research Foundation".  2022.  Thirty-Second Annual Report (2021-2022).
Shahzad B, Yun PYun, Shabala L, Zhou M, Gothandapani S, Gayatri V, Chen Z-H, Shabala SShabala.  2022.  Unravelling the physiological basis of salinity stress tolerance in cultivated and wild rice species. Functional Plant Biology. 49(4):364.
Girigan G., Manjula M..  2022.  Vanavibhavasekharanam: Upajeevanavum Velluvilikalum. Aranyam. 42(7):27-31.
Bhatt A., Vipindas P., Divya P.R.  2022.  Weaving a classroom of hope in the farm. LEISA.
Andreotti F., Bazileb D., Biaggid C., Callo-Concha D., Jacquet J., Jemal O.M., OliverKing E.D.I., Mbosso C., Padulosi S., Speelman E.N. et al..  2022.  When neglected species gain global interest: Lessons learned from quinoa’s boom and bust for teff and minor millet. Elsevier. :10.
Nagpal A, Williams F, Jadhav A, Malarvannan S., Rengalakshmi R..  2021.  Bundling Agricultural Services under Seeing Is Believing and Plantwise: Benefits and Opportunities. :12.
Mathew MJose, Mathew J, Salim PM, Szlachetko DL.  2021.  Chiloschista confusa (Orchidaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Annales Botanici Fennici . 58(4-6):353.
OliverKing E.D.I., Muniappan K, Parida P.K., Mishra S., Natarajan K., Nongrum M.S., Chinnadurai M., Kumari N., Rangad C.O., Roy S. et al..  2021.  Community-centred value-chain development of nutri-millets: Challenges and best practices in India. Orphan Crops for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security: Promoting Neglected and Underutilized Species. :245-262.
Merlin L..  2021.  Comparative analysis of drought responsive calcium sensor genes and identification of global minima of calmodulin-1 by using conformation sampling approach. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 16(6):10.
Burman PKumar Deb, Chakraborty S, El-Madany TS, Ramasubramanian R., Gogoi N, Gnanamoorthy P, Murkute C, Nagarajan R., Karipot A.  2021.  A comparative study of ecohydrologies of a tropical mangrove and a broadleaf deciduous forest using eddy covariance measurement.. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 134(4)
Burman PKumar Deb, Chakraborty S, El-Madany TS, Ramasubramanian R., Gogoi N, Gnanamoorthy P, Murkute C, Nagarajan R., Karipot A.  2021.  A comparative study of ecohydrologies of a tropical mangrove and a broadleaf deciduous forest using eddy covariance measurement. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 134(4(2022)):22.
R. R, Nagrajan R., Yogalakshmi R., Kannappan S., Selvamukilan B., Nadeesha P., Punitha S., Bhavani S., Gopalkrishna P., Karunamoorthi M. et al..  2021.  COMPENDIUM OF ACTIVITIES WASCA TAMIL NADU. :355p..
Lenka KCharan.  2021.  Cultural Prospective V/S Ecological Importance of Sacred Groves A Case Study of Kantabaunsuni in Karaput Region of Odisha State. Land and Water Resource Conservation Issues, Options & Experiences.
Jayaraman T, Kanitkar T.  2021.  Deconstructing declarations of carbon-neutrality. The Hindu.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2021.  Developed Countries Change Goalposts Every Time - Their Inaction is the Only Unchanging Story. :2.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2021.  Developing Countires Climate Strategy and The Global Carbon Budget. :8.
OliverKing E.D.I., Padulosi S., Balam D., Sharma V., Meldrum G..  2021.  Diversification of the Public Distribution System in India. PUBLIC FOOD PROCUREMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS AND HEALTHY DIETS. 2:12.
Pulipati S, Somasundaram S., Rana N, Kumaresan K, Shafi M, Civan P, Sellamuthu G, Jaganathan D, Ramaravi PVenkatesan, Punitha S. et al..  2021.  Diversity of Sodium Transporter HKT1;5 Diversity in Genus Oryza. Rice Science. 29
