
Found 976 results
Gnanamoorthy P, Chakraborty S., Nagarajan R., Ramasubramanian R., Selvam V., Burman PKumar Deb, P. Sarathy P, Zeeshan M, Song Q, Zhang Y.  2021.  Seasonal variation of methane fluxes in a mangrove ecosystem in South India: an eddy covariance-based approach.. Estuaries and Coasts. 45:556.
Solis CAngela, Yong M-T, Venkataraman G, Milham P, Zhou M, Shabala L, Holford P, Shabala S, Chen Z-H.  2021.  Sodium sequestration confers salinity tolerance in an ancestral wild rice. Physiologia Plantarum. 172(3):1608.
Singh D., Mathimaran N., Jegan S., Prabavathy V.R., Perisamy Y., Raju K., Rengalakshmi R., OliverKing E.D.I., Thimmegowda M.N., Manjunatha B.N. et al..  2021.  Spatial Arrangement and Biofertilizers Enhance the Performance of Legume—Millet Intercropping System in Rainfed Areas of Southern India. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5(Article 711284):18.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2021.  Thirty-First Annual Report 2020-2021. :106.
Venkataraman G, Shabala S., Véry A.A., Neelakantan H.G., Somasundaram S., Pulipati S., Sellamuthu G., Harikrishnan M., Kumari K., Shabala L et al..  2021.  To exclude or to accumulate? Revealing the role of the sodium HKT1; 5 transporter in plant adaptive responses to varying soil salinity Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. :342.
Vishnu S., Thomas A., Bhatt A..  2021.  Towards Tribal Empowerment through producer collectivity: The case of Shreyas Tribal Farmer producer company ltd.. Catalysing Sustainable development through producers Collectivities.
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Bhatt A., Meena B.S, Paul P..  2021.  Valuable wisdom in the Himalayas: ITKs in bullock rearing. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 20(1):252.
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Murali K.S..  2021.  World Biodiversity Day: Ever more important amid COVID-19 pandemic.
Murali K.S.  2021.  World Tuna Day 2021: Tuna conservation is in humanity’s interests.
Foundation SResearch.  2020.  Aquaculture in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.
Jayashree B., Gopinath R..  2020.  As India’s children miss midday meals due to anganwadi closures, how can nutrition be ensured?
Jayaraman T, Swaminathan M.  2020.  Boosting India's Agricultural productivity should be the top most priority.
Alnayef M, Solis C, Shabala L, Ogura T, Chen Z, Bose J, Maathuis FJM, Venkataraman G, Tanoi K, Yu M et al..  2020.  Changes in Expression Level of OsHKT1;5 Alters Activity of Membrane Transporters Involved in K+ and Ca2+ Acquisition and Homeostasis in Salinized Rice Roots. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(4882):13.
Joseph J.K, Anand D., Prajeesh P., Zacharias A., Varghese A.G., Pradeepkumar A.P., Baiju K.R..  2020.  Community resilience mechanism in an unexpected extreme weather event: An analysis of the Kerala floods of 2018, India. Elsevier. 49
Pratheepa C..M., Rengalakshmi R..  2020.  COVID-19 and women agricultural labourers: Field realities from Tamil Nadu. TIGR2ESS: Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies: A Global Challenges Research Fund project.
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Bhavani R.V, Gopinath R..  2020.  The COVID19 pandemic crisis and the relevance of a farm-system-for-nutrition approach. Springer. :4.
Ramasubramanian R., Selvam V., N. Kumar A.  2020.  Creating an Economic Stake in Conservation: A Case of Sustainable Fishery Resource Management from Godavari Mangrove Wetlands of Andhra Pradesh. Biodiversity and Livelihood: Lessons from Community Research in India. :66-76.
Singh D., Mathimaran N., Boller T., Kahmen A..  2020.  Deep-rooted pigeon pea promotes the water relations and survival of shallow-rooted finger millet during drought—Despite strong competitive interactions at ambient water availability. PLOS ONE. 15(2):22.
Viswanath G., Jegan S., Prabavathy V.R..  2020.  Detection of!Diverse N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Signalling Molecules Among Bacteria Associated with!Rice Rhizosphere. Current Microbiology.
Krishnan S., AnilKumar N., Swaminathan M..  2020.  Development of a master plan and a fund-raising plan for the M.S. Swaminathan Botanical Garden in Wayanad, India. MSSBG-Advisory Committee Meet. :6.
