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B.Ba Bong; M.S. Swaminathan 1995 Magnitude of hybrid vigor retained in double haploid lines of some heterotic rice hybrids bong.pdf Theor Appl Genet
S.N. Raina; A. PARIDA; K.K. KOUL; S.S. SALIMATH; M.S. BISHT; V. RAJA 1995 Associated chromosomal DNA changes in polyploids Genome
Year: 1994
Author Year Title Publication Journal
S.N. Raina; Parida Ajay; K.K. Koul; S.S. SALIMATH 1994 Associated chromosomal DNA changes in polyploids Genome
Year: 1992
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Varsha G. Raja; K.K. KOUL; S.N. Raina; Ajay Parida 1992 Ploidy-depdenten genomic stability in the tissue cultures of ornamental Phlox drummondii Hook Pl. Cell Reports
Raja Varsha; K.K. Koul; S.N. Raina; PARIDA Ajay 1992 Ploidy-dependent genomic stability in the tissue cultures of ornamental Phlox drummondii Hook Plant Cell Reports
Year: 1990
Author Year Title Publication Journal
A. PARIDA; S. N. RAINA; R. K.J. Narayan 1990 Quantitative DNA variation between and within chromosome complements of Vigna species (Fabaceae) Genetica
Ajay Parida; S. N. Raina; R K.J. Narayan 1990 Quantitative DNA variation between and within chromosome complements of Vigna species (Fabaceae) Genetica
Year: 1970
Author Year Title Publication Journal
MP JHA; AK KAUL; P RAGHAVIAH; M.S. Swaminathan 1970 Identification of chromosomes carrying factors for seed storage proteins Identification_of_chromosomes_carrying_factors_for_seed_storage_proteins.doc Wheat Information Service
BC JOSHI; MD UPADHYA; M.S. Swaminathan 1970 Aneuploid analysis of chromosome pairing in Triticum timopheevi Aneuploid_analysis_of_chromosome_pairing_in_Triticum_timopheevi.doc Wheat Information Service.
Year: 1968
Author Year Title Publication Journal
RS RANA; M.S. Swaminathan 1968 Triticum zhukovskyii as a source of male sterile cytoplasm and fertility restorer genes Triticum_zhukovskyii_as_a_source_of_male_sterile_cytoplasm_and_fertility_restorer_genes.doc Wheat Information Service
